Heal Your Heart, Soothe Your SOUL, Love Your Life

Healing & Mentoring to Support High-Achieving Empathic Women in Stepping Back From Their Daily Life and Becoming Their Best Self From The Inside Out

Sarah Hate SBH Healing and Mentoring

My Soulmate Client

I’m passionate about guiding, teaching and mentoring sensitive, empathetic and spiritually aware women.

I love working with women who are open to change, unafraid to question the status quo and ready to release the emotional pain, shame and guilt that they’ve been carrying.

Because I truly believe that now is our time to break free of our past conditioning, reconnect to our inner power and step up to help create a world where love and community reign.

How I Can Help You

Coaching and mentoring - SBH Mentoring

Coaching and Mentoring

Join me for a minimum of 3 months of one-to-one mentoring where we unearth the root of your imbalance, disconnection and misalignment, to create healthy, deep and loving connections with your SOUL*. I also offer group coaching in the form of workshops, retreats and online programmes.

* Self, Others, the Universe, and Life

Energy Healing

Work with some of the body’s pressure points, visualisation and sound to heal your energetic blocks. You will instantly feel like you’re vibrating at a higher frequency, as the balance and flow of energy in your body, mind and soul has been restored.

energy healing

Emotional Healing

Learn to identify the times when you’ve shut yourself off from your feelings, release any blocked emotions and reprogramme your neural pathways. This helps immensely if you know or feel like a childhood experience is holding you back.

As Featured On

My soul mission is to help as many women as possible to embody their potential, to know who they really are, so that they can live the life of their dreams and the life for which they were born.

Mother of 3 grown children, beach lover, protector of Nature, passionate about reading and personal development, salsa dancer, and unconditional fan of the group Depeche Mode, I have so much gratitude towards life and the Universe, especially since I started working with and living by the moon cycles.

British by birth and French by adoption, I share my life with my husband and our cats. By settling in France in 1991, I fulfilled the dream that I’d nurtured since the age of 10! I became a published author in 2021 and have since written in 3 other collaborative books.

"Sarah has such a beautiful way of gently helping you make huge revelations that release you from the things that are keeping you stuck. I want to thank her with deep sincerity for helping me uncover things I was not being entirely honest with myself about."
- Lauren
"I recently had an EFT Tapping session with Sarah and came away feeling wonderful. She's such a calming and wonderful human being, and I felt completely safe in our session. We freed up energies from a previous trauma and guilt. I'd highly recommend a session with Sarah.
- Heather
"My session was powerful and really got to the root of what I’d been having an issue with for the longest time. The physical sensations that accompanied the release of old energies were unlike anything I’ve experienced before. I was left with a deep sense of peace and connection to my inner strength. Sarah, you’re definitely in your zone of genius here, thank you for this profound healing."
- Carolanne
"You restored my faith in kind therapists/healers again. To be honest, you actually helped me to trust my soul guidance. I think I have finally stepped out of the third dimensional, programmed expectations, ideals and rules. I am so grateful for you and our connection."
- Deborah

Let go of who you think you’re supposed to be and embrace who you are

– Brené Brown

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