
My website wouldn’t be complete without offering you some of my best resources to help you in your healing journey. Whether you’re looking for something related to a particular subject – Communication, Connection, Confidence – or a certain type of resource – free guides, useful blog posts/published articles, affordable meditations/masterclasses, videos giving advice or radio show episodes, you’re in the right place!
If there’s a particular resource you’d like me to create in relation to clear communication, connections and relationships, or confidence, just let me know via my contact form.


This episode focuses on how it is good at times to go back to basics, especially when we’re going through a period of self-doubt. I share a great parable about deciding what’s most important for you, Maslow’s six physiological needs and creating a happy home.

I have lots more resources available for you to help you to change the way you communicate with yourself and others. Please follow the link below to find out more.


Published: International Coaching News (ICN); 
32nd Edition

I talk about the connection between our mind and body, the importance of connecting to our heart and the meaning of the main aches and pains we all have

From Turmoil to Tranquillity

Learn How to Feel More in Control of Your Emotions!

For sensitive empathic people, the current world situation is extremely challenging, especially from an emotional point of view.

We’ve been feeling the despair, confusion and uncertainty so deeply that it’s often been difficult for us to keep a balance. Even if we’ve put boundaries in place to stop ourselves from taking on other people’s emotions, it’s been really tough and has affected our wellbeing more than we’d like to admit.

This guide has been designed to teach you easy ways to feel less stressed, more at peace and able to cope with daily life.

Trust me to provide you with easily accessible tools & techniques to improve your emotional wellbeing, within a few hours or days.

I have lots more resources available for you to help you to connect to your mind, body and soul. Please follow the link below to find out more.


Self-trust is the first secret of success, according to Ralph Waldo Emerson. I share my tried and tested ways of learning to trust ourselves, no matter what, to boost our confidence.

I have lots more resources available for you to help you to show up as the true you and become the best version of yourself. Please follow the link below to find out more.

Want to find out more about working with me?
Book a free call with me and let’s start your journey together.

As Featured In
