I’m Sarah, Your SOUL-Based Healer and Mentor

Very often, the confidence, inner light, and power of the women I accompany have been buried underneath layers of self-doubt, unhealthy relationships, and self-sacrificing.

They’re the kind of woman who smiles on the outside and cries on the inside.

They’re a woman of conviction, even if they’re unable to express this.

I was that woman, and I know just how hard it can be to get up in the morning, put on a brave face, and soldier on.

I wrote a poem entitled “I Know You” to express how I was feeling and to let women like you know that you’re not alone. You can read it at the end of the page.

If this is you, I would love to be your guide on your journey back to your SOUL, help you release the emotional pain, shame, and guilt that you’ve been carrying, and empower you to transform your past into inner peace, harmony, and connection to SOUL.

I know how difficult it can be to break the mould, step out of your unsatisfying life, and find your way back to yourself.

Are you ready to work with someone who understands the challenges firsthand?

I’m on a mission to help create a world where love and community reign, and that begins with us women!

What can you expect from me?

The joy I feel knowing that the way you see yourself and your life has shifted… forever, that I’m the first person you’ve dared to share your real story with and that your journey back to your SOUL (Self, Others, Universe, Life) can finally begin!

I love it when my clients’ faces light up once they’ve understood what’s been stopping them from being their true selves.

Whether it’s learning to

I hold a safe, empathetic space for you to explore your inner resources, connect to your inner child, and discover your true self.


Are you looking to partner with a guide who’s been in your shoes?

From Seeker to Guide: My Personal Odyssey

Embracing the Essence: How Love, Faith, and Trust Became My Life’s Foundations


Throughout my life, I’ve always believed that love is at the core of living a happy life.

Growing up, my Nan was the one who made me feel unconditionally loved and seemed to always see the bright side of life.

No matter what life threw at her, she always had a smile on her face and would give her time, energy, and money generously.

She was love with a capital L!

I don’t know if it’s because both my Grandad (her husband) and my husband were born on the same day, but I still feel this strong connection to her even though she passed away in 2002.

Faith & Trust

This is when I discovered personal development, reconnected to my spirituality, and was expecting my third child. I was deeply saddened by my Nan’s death and worried about the health of my baby after my blood tests came back. I found myself alone face to face with my reality as I went against the medical advice I’d been given, feeling guided to my soul.

This is when I connected to the Universe and found faith in life.

I remember sitting in our garden one beautiful summer’s day, crying and feeling so alone and afraid. I sat there and said these words out loud: “If there’s anyone or anything out there, help me,” not expecting a reply!

I immediately felt a huge wave of love and support and heard the words, “Have faith and trust.”

The experience was so mind-blowing that I didn’t talk about it until quite recently. One reason was that I was afraid of what other people would say and think of me.

The Heart’s Calling: A Voyage to Serve as a Teacher, Coach, and Healer

2008 was the year that my life turned around...

Growing up, I’d learnt to be strong and just keep going. Through ignoring what my body was crying out for, I found myself bedridden for weeks with a slipped disc. I was able to avoid having an operation thanks to my doctor, other health specialists and my own determination.

But I realized it was time for me to take responsibility for my life.

I started rediscovering who I really was, and in 2009, resigned from a stable full-time job to set up my own business as a solopreneur.

Over the years, I have transitioned from a language service provider (having won an award for most promising solopreneur of the year in France) to a coach, best-selling author and healer, trained in

Are you seeking guidance from someone who knows the way?

In 2015, I came to a massive crossroads...

My children were teenagers, and my marriage was going through a bad patch. I seriously thought about leaving France and moving back to England to start a new life on my own. I didn’t recognize myself; I was hardly sleeping. I was suffering from having been the one holding everything and everyone together, organizing everything, taking most of the decisions for the family and losing sight of who I was in the process.

I was totally disconnected from the Universe, my intuition, my femininity, and my being.

I didn’t like who I’d become, a bitter, hard-done-by victim.

I spent two weeks on my own in England and returned to France knowing that something had to change. I went to see an energy healer, started practising gratitude daily, signed up for indoor climbing to take myself out of my comfort zone and had an Akashic Record reading. Soon after that, I signed up for my first training course and here I am today!

This is why I chose to become a certified coach in 2016 and have continued to train in the fields of emotional, energy, inner child, and sound healing since then.

Can you relate to my journey?


I know you
You procrastinate
You lack motivation
You doubt your own choices
You’ve completely given up hope

I know you
You want to change
You need something new in your life
You ask yourself too many questions
You bend over backwards to please others

I know you
You’re unhappy
You don’t accept yourself as you are
You’re seeking answers to your problems
You need to overcome your fears

I know you
You feel guilty
You feel stuck
You feel like you’re up against a brick wall
You feel different to everyone else

I know you
You don’t dare take the first step
You’re afraid that people find you uninteresting
You’re afraid of being rejected or judged
I know you…
because I was you


The day I started to heal my past was the day I set myself free

– Sarah Brown Haté