Supporting High-Achieving Empathetic Women on Their Journey Back to Their SOUL

Whether you’re wanting to learn to heal your past, unleash the real you or birth your best self, I will teach you how to reconnect, replenish and rebuild.

Women have told me that I’m the first person that they’ve dared to bare their soul to, and I understand how precious this is.

Scroll down to read some of their beautiful testimonials to the transformations they have experienced as well as the benefits of working with me.

You can, of course, also book a complimentary call with me, to discuss how I can guide you on your path to healing and empowerment.


Do you long to feel seen and heard?
I know this feeling only too well, which is one of the main reasons why I became a coach, healer and mentor. 
Read more of my story here.

The majority of women who are attracted to working with me have a big and weary heart. They’ve achieved so much already yet are doubting the impact they have in the world.

Their relationship with their mother has been difficult since childhood and they may well have become their mother’s mother or experienced life-changing events around the age of 8.

They wonder if they’ll ever be able to rekindle the flame inside, it’s as though their light’s been put out.

They feel misunderstood, like a misfit, an outsider; unsafe, depleted and alone even if they’re surrounded by other people. 

They yearn for deep connection and belonging, and want more from their life despite their success.

They can feel that time’s slipping away and think that it’s too late to change, that they’ve lived their life by proxy.

Having been in a similar position myself, I’m here to not only tell you that there’s still time to turn your life around; by choosing to work with me, you will feel seen like you’ve never been seen before, heard and most importantly understood.

You get to decide if you want individual mentoring, group coaching or both! I will cheer you on all the way!

Are you looking for a safe space in which to speak your truth?

Come and work with me in a one-to-one setting. Women have told me that I’m the first person that they’ve dared to bare their soul to and I understand how precious this is.

You can choose between several options:

These are my 3 one-to-one coaching offers:


Details of these offers will be available here soon but if you’re like me i.e. rather impatient when you know you want something, send me a message  or book yourself in for a SOUL call to find out more.


Do You Want to Belong to a Nurturing, Supportive Community?

Then my group workshops, programmes and retreats are probably the experiences you’re called to. I believe in a new world where love and community reign, and I’m starting with my business.

You know how overshadowed you can feel in the presence of other women? Like you’ll never fit in? As if your opinions, values and mere presence just don’t count? Me too, which is why you’ll never feel like this in the group experiences I create.

Depending on the time you have, how deep you want to go and the transformation you’re longing for, one of the following offers will no doubt interest you.


Release, Balance, Confidence

My 3-hour online workshop, Letting Go of Doubt, is a firm favourite with women who are time-poor, new to my world or wanting a few pointers in the right direction.

If you’re more interested in the energetic side of things, then you’ll love my online workshops dedicated to learning all about the 7 main chakras through meditation, visualisation, coaching and a list of activities, essential oils and objects that you can use to balance your chakras on a daily basis.

If you’re in it for the long game, ready to dive deep and be accountable to yourself and for others, you’ll love my online group programme! Conscious Connection for Core Confidence – 7 steps to connect with your true self and live a balanced, fulfilled, soul-aligned life.

I’m here to guide you towards the best solution, so please send me a message to find out more about my group offers.


If you are ready to reconnect to your inner wisdom, transcend your past and break free of your chains, I would be honoured to walk beside you.

"I was lucky enough to attend one of Sarah’s personal development workshops. This turned out to be a revelation and sparked my career change. It only took me a few hours to be reassured of my ability to transform my life by becoming an entrepreneur. I’m now 100% professionally fulfilled and I’ve finally found THE way of living for me. I deeply thank Sarah for helping me to dispel my doubts and take the leap of faith!"
- Marina
Letting Go of Doubt workshop
“Sarah helped me put boundaries in place in relation to my mother, manage my emotions in a healthy way and find peace in myself. She ultimately got me through a part of the healing journey whereby I couldn’t engage with my mother at all, to a point where I have now messaged her from a place of ‘distance’ that feels so much better for attending to my needs first.”
- Louise
121 Coaching & Healing
“The workshop really helped me to delve deep into addressing some of my concerns and fears to show up as unapologetically me. I AM enough... thank you Sarah!”
- Dee
Letting Go of Doubt workshop
“I think, Sarah, what I have achieved is I have finally stepped out of the 3rd-dimensional programmed expectations, ideals and rules. But the clincher is ... I finally don’t feel bad, guilty or lonely about/because of it!!! I am now attracting better people into my life and trusting my soul guidance xxx”
- Deborah
121 Coaching & Healing

As a multi-passionate woman, a heart led mystic and a formidable nurturer, my mission is to help you heal your childhood wounds, reconnect with the parts of yourself you’ve forgotten and create the solid foundation for self-worth and holistic wellbeing.


When I was writing my chapter for the collaborative book, Entangled No More, I came across a Medicine Woman’s Prayer which really sums up the way I coach, teach, and guide people.

“I will not rescue you, for you are not powerless.

I will not fix you, for you are not broken.

I will not heal you, for I see you in your wholeness.

I will walk with you through the darkness, as you remember your light.”

Benefits of Working With Me

Courage in the path is what makes the path manifest itself.

– Paulo Coelho