Unearth the Root of Your Imbalance, Disconnection, and Misalignment

Create Deep & Loving Connections With Your SOUL:
Self, Others, the Universe, and Life.

Join me for a minimum of 3 months of one-to-one coaching and mentoring to finally come home to yourself.

Sarah Hate SBH Healing and Mentoring

What is Coaching and Mentoring?

In my practice, I combine coaching and mentoring to provide a comprehensive and personalized approach to support your growth.

Coaching focuses on guiding you to find your own answers and solutions. Our work together goes beyond just talking.

As a qualified coach, I am trained to facilitate self-discovery and foster personal development through diverse tools and modalities.

Coaching empowers you to unlock your potential by supporting your healing and growth on all levels—mind, body, and soul.

Mentoring, on the other hand, allows me to share my own experiences and insights when relevant to your journey. 

This adds a layer of depth and relatability that pure coaching sometimes lacks. 

By blending mentoring with coaching, I can offer you practical advice and share lessons I’ve learned from my own path, providing a richer, more supportive experience.

Together, coaching and mentoring create a unique blend of guidance and personal connection. 

This holistic approach ensures that you not only find your own answers but also benefit from the wisdom and experience of someone who has walked a similar path.  

How Will It Help You?


Whether you decide to work with me for 3, 6, or 9 months, every journey relies on these four pillars: Self, Others, Universe, Life.

S: Reconnect with Your True Self
Cultivate self-belief, self-confidence, and self-love by uncovering your needs, values, beliefs, and behaviors. Together, we’ll build a solid foundation that empowers you to embrace who you truly are.

O: Cultivate Nurturing & Enriching Relationships
Foster healthy, meaningful relationships through effective communication and deeper understanding. Learn to navigate and nurture connections that support your growth and well-being.

U: Dance with the Universe
Establish harmony with nature, synchronize with moon cycles, and tap into your inner wisdom for guidance. Reconnect with the natural rhythms that bring clarity and alignment to your life’s journey, and enable you to live in flow.

L: Design Your Dream Life
Craft a life that you adore by prioritizing the things that matter the most to you, managing your energy, and nurturing your emotional well-being. Experience fulfillment and joy as you create a life that aligns with your dreams and values.

Coaching and mentoring - SBH Mentoring

Happy Client Outcomes!

I had the privilege of mentoring Rose, so that she could be seen for who she really is, feel full of confidence and worthy.

When she reached out to me for help, she was being quite hard on herself. She’d experienced a dramatic crisis and was really struggling to process everything. The crisis had brought up feelings of being invisible, of being kept small and standing on the sidelines.

Over the course of our sessions, she was able to:

Here’s what she has to say:

‘’ During our coaching sessions, Sarah taught me to trust myself and that I am held and safe by Mother Earth. I have a beautiful maternal guardian angel who is there to love me unconditionally as I love myself unconditionally.

Working on my relationship with my mother was the most difficult thing for me, as I’m not sure I am ready for it, but despite this, Sarah helped me to process a lot of my motherhood wounding so that I could let go of so many limiting beliefs attached to that.

I’m now confident about the future as I am learning to trust myself and my intuition more. It’s not really confidence, it’s just a deeper ‘knowing’ that I am OK and everything will work out in my highest good. Knowing that I can also trust the decisions I make.

I now know that I am not selfish, that I am safe to ask for and go for what I want in life. I feel empowered, at peace and grounded even in difficult circumstances. ‘’

If Rose was able to reconnect to the little girl she’d been, process a lot of the wounding and learn to trust herself by working with me, then you can too!

I had the privilege of mentoring Louise, so that she could process her thoughts and feelings about the relationship with her mother, learn to forgive her mother and move on with her life.

When she reached out to me for help, she had buried a lot of hurt since childhood, was wearing ‘a happy mask’ and felt like she had failed herself.

Over the course of our sessions, she was able to:

Here’s what she has to say:

‘’ Sarah helped me put boundaries in place in relation to my mother, manage my emotions in a healthy way and find peace in myself. I felt like I was struggling to stand up for myself and find my voice and was often triggered by my mother’s words and/or behaviour. Our relationship has always been hard and I used to feel like things were my fault.

Sarah gave me a safe space to discuss, listened to me and gave me tools and techniques that I can continue in my own time (not one-offs). She ultimately got me through a part of the healing journey whereby I couldn’t engage with my mother at all, to a point where I have now messaged her from a place of ‘distance’ that feels so much better for attending to my needs first.

With Sarah’s guidance, I was able to practice forgiveness, write down my beliefs, needs, and desires and manage my emotions. She also helped me by reminding me that I can always love myself and/or go to other close family or friends for what I need.

I particularly loved writing things down as I find it a great way to process my thoughts and feelings and to bring some sort of closure. This helped me to learn more about myself, as did the energy healing session we had together.

I’m now confident about the future as I’m able to express love for myself. I feel good about standing my ground when it comes to my boundaries and no longer feel unheard! ‘’

If Louise was able to change the relationship she has with her mother, learn to love herself and find her voice by working with me, then you can too!

Choose the path that resonates most with you

and finally, give yourself the chance to stop seeking external validation & start loving yourself as you are

Learning to Heal Your Past

Unleashing the Real

Birthing Your Best

3-Month Program

Begin Your Healing Journey
This foundational program is the first step in your journey toward an authentic life that feels good from the inside and out.

Over three months, you’ll learn to break free from the past and move forward with confidence and clarity.

By the end of this program, you will be able to manage your emotions in a healthy way and feel at peace, strong, and successful.

Embrace this opportunity to start healing and become confident in who you are.

Transforming fear into desire
Transforming limiting beliefs into empowering ones
Identifying your needs and how to satisfy them
Understanding your childhood wounds and starting to heal them
Balancing your emotions
Improving your self-confidence

6-Month Program

Reconnect to Your Essence
This option builds on the transformations you experience when you learn to heal your past.

It offers you time and space to (re)discover what living from the heart means to you.

By the end of these six months, you will feel reconnected to the real you and know how to have pleasurable, nourishing relationships with yourself and others.

Embrace this exploration to effectively express your feelings, needs and desires from a place of love.

Transforming fear into desire
Transforming limiting beliefs into empowering ones
Identifying your needs and how to satisfy them
Understanding your childhood wounds and starting to heal them
Balancing your emotions
Improving your self-confidence
Exploring your values
Learning to set personal boundaries and priorities according to your desires and needs
Opening your heart for better relationships with yourself and others
Working on forgiveness of yourself and others
Releasing any anger, shame and/or guilt to help you love yourself more

9-Month Program

Heal and Rebuild Your Authentic Self
This is the most comprehensive version of the program.

It goes beyond healing your past as it also lays the foundation for rebuilding a new, authentic, and centered you.

By the end of these nine months together, you will have transformed into your best self: able to express love toward yourself, and pursue your dream life without feeling judged or unsafe.

Embrace this journey to rediscover and shine your true light.

Transforming fear into desire
Transforming limiting beliefs into empowering ones
Identifying your needs and how to satisfy them
Understanding your childhood wounds and starting to heal them
Balancing your emotions
Improving your self-confidence
Exploring your values
Learning to set personal boundaries and priorities according to your desires and needs
Opening your heart for better relationships with yourself and others
Working on forgiveness of yourself and others
Releasing any anger, shame and/or guilt to help you love yourself more
Connecting to your intuition and listening to its wisdom
Exploring the mind-body connection
Visualizing your desired future
Setting clear intentions aligned with who you really are
Creating a heart-based action plan


All packages come with:

This is your time now.
Free yourself from your deep-rooted emotions.
And finally, develop deep trust in your own intuition.

“Sarah helped me put boundaries in place in relation to my mother, manage my emotions in a healthy way and find peace in myself. She ultimately got me through a part of the healing journey whereby I couldn’t engage with my mother at all, to a point where I have now messaged her.”
- Louise
121 Coaching & Healing
“I think, Sarah, what I have achieved is I have finally stepped out of the 3rd-dimensional programmed expectations, ideals and rules. But the clincher is ... I finally don’t feel bad, guilty or lonely about/because of it!!! I am now attracting better people into my life and trusting my soul guidance.”
- Deborah
121 Coaching & Healing

Give yourself the most beautiful gift.
The gift of freedom, safety,
and self-love that you have been longing for.

Let go of who you think you’re supposed to be and embrace who you are

– Brené Brown